Want to Be Happier and Healthier? Volunteer!

Want to Be Happier and Healthier? Volunteer!

Volunteering is not only good for others, it’s good for you! 

The health benefits are huge. Research proves that people who volunteer have lower stress, less depression, fewer physical limitations, and they live longer.

Looking for ways to serve? Search the Internet by simply typing in Volunteer Opportunities in (your city) and you will be amazed at the lists you find.  As you volunteer more (or less) consider these tips:

  1. Look for activities that fit into your schedule. Start slowly, then gradually increase involvement.
  2. Find those you are passionate about. Like kids? Volunteer to help children. Care about the homeless? Lend a hand at a soup kitchen. Like to construct things? Help build a house for Habitat for Humanity. (I’m living proof that no experience is needed!)
  3. Choose causes that that allow you to truly live your priorities. Don’t get so involved that you can’t take care of the circle around you. 
  4. Ask friends or family to volunteer with you. It’s less intimidating and a lot more fun. Explore opportunities you can do with those you love. 

To be happier and healthier, give of your time, talent and treasure.

To learn how to create wellness programs for healthier, happier, less stressed, more engaged employees, visit SelfCare for HealthCare™. Contact me today to discuss implementing this powerful program at your facility.  Interested in LeAnn Thieman’s keynote speaking, training and workshops? Email lthieman@leannthieman.com.