Women Getting Less Sleep than Men

A new survey from the Better Sleep Council found that males often bragged about getting adequate amounts of sleep, while the women were considerably less likely to get a good night’s rest.

Eight-four-percent of female participants found that sleep is important to their health, however, compared to men, the women fell short of getting recommended amounts of sleep each night. Researchers found that men got better sleep because they tended to engage in more positive sleep habits. More than a third of the male participants slept alone, thus reducing distractions. More men minimized stress levels, followed strict bedtime rituals and didn’t consume caffeinated drinks after lunchtime, leading to overall better sleep than women.

Women were more likely than men to let kids or pets sleep in their beds, resulting in interrupted sleep. Women were more likely to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

Both men and women require at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, according to guidelines set by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Sleep deprivation is linked to adverse health conditions among both sexes, including increased risk for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and mood disorders like anxiety.

A study of 71,000 female nurses who regularly got less than 5 hours of sleep at night found that they were more likely to develop diabetes and cardiovascular problems compared to those who slept 8 hours a night. It’s estimated that more than a third of American working women are seriously sleep-deprived.

To learn more about sleep, sleep habits, and the effect that sleep has on our overall health, visit us at SelfCare for HealthCare™.  Interested in LeAnn Thieman’s keynote speaking, training and workshops? Email lthieman@leannthieman.com.